Monday, July 11, 2011

Am I scared of the darkness?

Whomever I talk to these days, keep consoling me by saying "whatever has happened, it happened for best", "the worst had already happened, now only better things can happen to you", "there is always a ray of light in front of this dark tunnel" and other things like that. In some other life, I would have loved and felt comforted to hear such things. I would have loved to believe in the HOPE.

But now, I don't want any hope anymore. I don't want this dark tunnel to end so that I can see the light. I know too well now that "light" will be short-lived followed by another extremely long dark tunnel. I am getting comfortable in this darkness now. I know now, that life is nothing but a journey through long dark tunnels intermittent with short spans of sunlight and the ultimate tunnel will have no end. When the end is all darkness and emptiness, then why do I need to have those short spans of sunlight anymore? Isn't it better to embrace this darkness forever now and make it my home? Isn't it better to prepare myself for the ultimate journey which I have to make alone without any ray of hope?